
Family: Cannabinoids
Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, is a plant containing cannabinoids - a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors - in its flowers. The main cannabinoid in Cannabis is the phytocannabinoid ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is the other main cannabinoid attributed to inducing relaxing, healing, and pain relieving effects, while THC is considered the psychoactive component.
Concerning use worldwide, cannabis is probably the most popular entheogen in the world. This is most likely due to the mildness of its effects in lower doses and the observed pleasantness of these lower doses.
Contemporary use is generally religious/spiritual, recreational or medicinal. Medically, it has been shown that cannabis has positive effects on stimulating hunger in cancer and AIDS patients, reducing nausea, and reducing pain. It can be smoked, vaporized, or eaten (in combination with fatty foods such as dairy-products, as it is lipophilic).

Low Dose Medium Dose High Dose
slightly decreased reaction red eyes, eyelids low (as with very tired people), slow re- actions, enjoying food more than usual, relaxed body- language and vocalizations lethargy, in-cohesive sentences, lower blood pressure

Low Dose Medium Dose High Dose
feeling relaxed, altered thinking process dry mouth and eyes, de- creased short-term memory, creative thought process, things appear funnier than usual, strong desire to eat, less perception of pain visions, strongly altered thought process, altered perception of time